
Lepelle Northen Water

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Address: 1 Landdros Mare St, Polokwane Central, Polokwane, 0699
Phone: 015 295 1800
Email: [email protected]

 Board Strategic Planning Session

  • By calebmoseamo
  • 2020-10-12
  • 0 Comment

 Board Strategic Planning Session

Lepelle Northern Water (LNW) Interim Board led by its Chairperson, Mr Jo Mathebula, Management Team, and Stakeholders conducted a Strategic Planning Session at Euphoria Golf and Lifestyle Estate, for the period 07-09 October 2020. The main objectives  of the session was to provide  direction of where the  organisation is heading and providing measurable goals as a team, to help the team to also reflect honestly about the organisation identity, it’s reason for existence and how moving forward LNW will continue to provide bulk water services to water services authorities and industries within our mandated area. The chairperson in Opening and welcoming of the season among others indicated that “Our role as a water entity is to make sure that there is water in every community and industry in Limpopo Province”. Day one of the Session initially was based on multiple presentations from identified experts within the Water Sector where some of the topics that tackled during the session were:

  • Building A sustainable regional Water Utility, Alignment and respond to National Water Master planning and implementation
  • Towards a responsible and effective water entity
  • Challenges of providing bulk water infrastructure, Limpopo water resources status and regional bulk programme
  • Giyani Drought relief through water supply improvement (Nandoni/Msami & Giyani Water Service Programme)
  • Challenges of operating and maintaining bulk water infrastructure and Early adoption of promising technologies and accelerated innovation that have gone through assessment tapping into alternative water sources.

The presentations were primarily aimed on providing  and helping the team with an overview perspective on what exactly a Water entity is, how can LNW relate on planning, implementing, maintaining and operating on Its bulk water projects and infrastructure in an innovative manner. Furthermore, to also assist the board and management to come up with strategies to transform LNW into an active and sustainable entity that distinguishes the board as a nodal point that offer quality water services for both human life and economic development.

Day 2 mainly focused on the organisational review and confirmation of the vision, mission and values, strategic objectives/key focus areas and key elements of the Policy Statement. The Vision and Mission Statements were reviewed in line with the environment within which LNW does its business. The Policy Statement was also presented for review due to the assumption of the current Interim Board’s vision.The session was educative and progressive in taking the business of LNW forward within its area of supply.