
Lepelle Northen Water

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Address: 1 Landdros Mare St, Polokwane Central, Polokwane, 0699
Phone: 015 295 1800
Email: [email protected]


  • By darenmoodleyfirstdigital
  • 2020-02-04
  • 0 Comment

Lepelle Northern Water (LNW), received an unqualified audit opinion for the period 2018/19 Financial Year from the Auditor General of South Africa.

In preparations for the auditing process, LNW has make sure that internal controls, policies and process flow were in place and correctly implemented throughout the Organization. This positive audit opinion outcome comes at the back of rigorous independent audit process and once again demonstrated LNW’s resilience and consistency with solid financial performance under the current bad and severe economic climate conditions.

The positive audit outcome benefit LNW in several ways, amongst others being:

  • To bring confidence into the financial management of the Organization to Stakeholders and the Public
  • Sustenance of positive Corporate Image and Reputation
  • To promote compliance within the Organization

LNW noted the opinion of the Auditor General on specific matters and have already taken serious measures to address them to fully comply and for improvement. LNW is mindful to the fact that the audit process is the responsibility of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), however since it covers the entire organization, it is critical for everybody to understand the role they should play in the smooth running of the audit process. Since audit is a continuous process, it requires continuous improvement and positive behaviour at all times.

In line with the reporting framework, LNW will table its Shareholder and Annual Report to Parliament when scheduled to report at the appropriate time.

LNW remains sustainable to continue to execute its primary mandate without failure in the sustainable way over a long- term period.

Issued by LNW’s Communications