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Stakeholder Relations

Stakeholder Relations

Due to the nature of LNW’s operations it is granted that the organisation will have a myriad of stakeholders, all of whom are key. Below is a summarised representation of their composition.

Stakeholder Relations Grid
Media engagements

Lepelle Northern Water continued engagements with the myriad of its stakeholders during the period under review. Of these many vital engagements few are highlighted below:

LNW values media as one of its stakeholders which provide accessibility, engagement and accountability to the public. Media Monitoring has been instrumental in LNW being able to speedily pick up and provide due assurance on water related services matters within its area of operations. LNW arranged Media Tour to Olifantspoort Scheme jointly with the Executive Mayor of Polokwane Municipality to explain the process of getting water to the the town of Polokwane. LNW continued to secure opportunities for interviews and engagements with various media, to communicate about the challenges and successes of water supply from its water schemes. LNW further provides timeously notices to respective water services on any planned and unplanned services disruptions for them to notify their customers.


LNW’s area of operation is predominantly rural, to this end from time to time during execution of its mandate the organisation encounters devastating living conditions under which some of the communities live. Through CSI initiatives LNW attempts to provide some relief in such circumstances to complement the work of its various municipal customers One of the flagship projects in the period under review was the contribution made to toddlers and pre-school children at Maditaboga Day Care Centre in Ga-Mamabolo Mentz Village. Contribution made include gardening tools Centre to plant vegetables in the endeavour to improve nutrition of its learners.


Through CSI initiatives LNW attempts to provide some relief in such circumstances to complement the work of its various municipal customers. During this reporting period, the focus was mainly on early childhood development as well as youth development. LNW constructed enviroloo toilet facilities for Tshikonelo Home Based Care, a registered non- profit organisation located in Ha Tshikonelo in the Vhembe district area. The organisation also donated a fence for Ngove Drop in Centre in order to assist with safety and access control of the facility. These centres provide various support services to orphans and other vulnerable children within their communities. LNW also donated a full soccer kit and accessories to a footclub club named Dikoting Pubs FC in Moletjie. The club is presently affiliated with the Polokwane Local Football Association (POLFA) league and was resuscitated by the community with the intention to steer the youth from destructive habits.

School tours at LNW operated Schemes

The Phalaborwa and Doorndraai Water Treatment Schemes were visited by schools to learn about the water treatment processes. Such visits not only equip the young learners with knowledge about water processes, they are also critical to shape their attitudes and instil behavioural change from early age with regards to water management.