Site icon Lepelle Northern Water



LNW operates about 20 bulk water schemes ranging from 1,0 to 175 Mℓ/day, some of which are conventional, package and borehole systems. Of these bulk water schemes, 5 are owned by Lepelle Northern Water and the remainder are operated on behalf of municipalities. Lepelle Northern Water’s assets are currently valued at about R3.5 billion. It is foreseen that when the organisation is ultimately converted to a regional water utility, it will operate and oversee assets worth about R30 billion.

infrastructure capacity

LNW’s area of supply covers approximately 80,000 square kilometres within the 125 754 square kilometres of Limpopo Province’s surface area which is 64%. LNW is currently providing bulk water in 42% of its mandated 80 000 square kilometres which is equivalent to about 56% of the province.